Custom attributes are fields that are special made to track important values across your workflow. At a workspace level, things like Client, Feature, Effort, etc. are fields that might be used by teams across the entire company. However, to manage values that are specific to your team’s processes, you can also create custom team attributes.

Custom team attributes

From the Settings tab of the team page, you can create custom team attributes that are specific to your team’s needs. Unlike custom attributes created at the workspace level, custom attributes that are created at the team level will not be listed under Product settings → Attributes.

💡Tip: Similar to team task forms, you can always easily convert a custom team attribute to be a custom workspace attribute (and vice versa) as needed.

Custom team attribute permissions

There are 3 permission groups for team custom attributes: All members, All guests, and Web.


All members

By default, Full access for all members will be turned on for new team custom attributes. This means that all workspace members will be able to see, edit, and use the attribute across Height, even if they aren’t part of the team.

You can make a team attribute private by turning Full access for all members to off. Once private, any workspace members who aren’t part of the team have to be manually invited from the Share menu to see and use the attribute.

*NOTE: The All members permission applies to workspace members. Members of a team will always have access to the team’s custom attributes.

All guests

When All guests is turned on for a team custom attribute, all guests will be able to see and use the attribute wherever it’s visible in team views, lists, projects, and tasks.

When All guests is turned off, guests have to be manually invited to the attribute from the Share menu to see and use it. This means even if the attribute is listed in a view, list, project, or task that a guest has access to, if they haven’t been manually invited to the attribute, they won’t be able to see it.


When Web access is turned on, anyone with a link to any of the team’s views, lists, projects, and tasks that have the attribute listed will be able to see the attribute and its values.

When Web access is turned off, the attribute will be completely hidden in shared links to team views, lists, projects, and tasks.

💡Tip: Check out our other articles to learn more about permissions for the workspace, Team, Lists & Views, and Projects & Tasks.